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Why Portia?

Get to know Portia and how you can improve and facilitate your process, project, and product management.

What Problems Do We Solve?

From Project Management to Sustainability—Solving Real Business Pains
  • Clear process for optimized teams and operations
  • Project management for efficient, effective and happy teams
  • Collaborative teams from all departments to create the right product on the market
  • Enhance transparency and traceability in supply chain
  • Easier to build brand and products according to sustainability requirements
  • Right data and information going out to manufacturing partners for creating quality products
  • Minimizing human errors 
  • Have full overview of all the styles developed, the components used, know exactly where your products are manufactured and where your materials come from. 
  • Keep track of product development and product information
  • Keep data and work in ONE central place
  • Keep track on where team is in the process
  • Maintain a high quality product and keep projects on track – avoiding delays
  • Know exactly who does what for full accountability and responsibility
  • Structure in your design and product development process
  • Clearer communication across all teams and departments
  • Speed – Project moves forward according to plan – info is in the platform
  • Briefs are filled out for every product – all teams can work in parallel
  • Collection structure – every product has a reason of being – no product canibalize on each other in sales
  • Documents and assets are in ONE place – giving team full access at all times
  • Ability to scale – FAST. Have control of everything in ONE place – not chase info in peoples spreadsheets, emails, messages or their heads.
  • Projections for strategic decisions – collection and product pricing calculations to create correct go to market strategy and cover internal margins and costs for profitability
  • Summarize costs for product development
  • Online – everybody has 100% access, globally, 24/7
  • Offline work option – gives team a way to work offline on for example a plane or remote place – work is saved when internet access is on
  • Facilitate remote, global work and travel for your teams
  • No need to use a computer 100% of time – mobile device app
  • Product texts information and copy supported by AI – giving markting info and time to create marketing campaigns ad pitches for optimal product launches
  • Key meetings outline for optmized meetings with maximized output – purpose of meeting, who is needed, input and output – to have the right info/decisions fat the right step in the process. Make the right decisions in time to have the best product to market. 
  • Full traceability and transparency – input supplier, manufacturer and product information to have full traceability for responsible operations. Collected info for DPP.
  • Generate QR codes for Digital Product Passport
  • Track overall corporate social responsibility progress using the data from all of the products evaluated using the platform.
  • Generate barcodes for hangtags
  • Instant implementation time – no implementation consultant needed
  • Extremely affordable
  • Team efficiency and optimization – know who does what, when – making sure they are working on the right thing at the right time, in the right process. 
  • System is intuitive – don’t need a week’s course to operate the system. Knowledge base and video instructions.  
  • Never lose info again by using Google sheets, excels spreadsheets, email content, messages, slack ….Keep everything traceable and in ONE place, ver everybody to find and use 
  • No program responsible person in team – no need for project manager – the system does the job
  • Accelerate decision making – The platform and projects are set up to speed up decision making – moving projects ahead
  • Facilitate product information and content to retailers and marketplaces 
  • Create innovation opportunities – time is saved from looking for things, wasted in meetings, communicating with one another to loop team in – because of saved time – team can work on important projects and products
  • Preparing brands and products for circularity


All the Tools You Need in One Integrated Platform
Portia Project

  • Create collection and product briefs
  • Collection structure - overview
  • Build range plan
  • Calculate product prices and margins
  • Calculate collection cost, margins, and revenue
  • Costing sheet - product price breakdown - total breakdown
  • Product cost, margins, price, quantity, and revenue projections
  • Process with milestones and deadlines - Gantt chart overview
  • Project planning tool - Kanban + Gantt
  • Workflow with key meetings - industry preset
  • Holistic company departments collaboration
  • Tech pack - bill of material - measurement list
  • Sampling commenting and feedback in all product development stages
  • Supplier information
  • Materials information and traceability
  • Manufacturing information
  • Internal communication tool - Company team group forum - private 1:1 messages - video meetings
  • Assets storage
  • AI generated product texts
  • Team member responsibility and accountability
  • Unlimited DPP - Digital Product Passport with QR codes
  • Customer feedback for product quality improvement
  • Sustain20 sustainability product framework

What Sets Portia Apart?

Unmatched Benefits That Set Us Apart

Portia has a sustainability built in approach to building a brand. 

The built in Sustain20 framework, transparency and product-first process is the reason Portia exists. To incorporate sustainability in every aspect of the business.

Portia leads brands into circularity with eco-design creation, supply chain traceability and Digital Product Passport (accessible through built-in QR codes).

Portia enables Circular Economy through good data – connecting your products with consumers.

Portia guides brands in running smoother, headache free operations with proven workflows and processes. 

Portia approaches things from a holistic point of view and is a ONE-stop work tool for a product-based brand in terms of operation, project management, creation, and marketing perspective.

No need for external project management tools, communication tools, productivity tools, chat/messaging and video tools. 

Have more clarity and accountability – connecting strategic goals with the teams to make them happen. Keep stakeholders updated, see the progress, and move projects ahead to drive brand success

Portia simplifies the collaboration between leadership, design, product development, marketing and sales.

Portia is user-friendly so teams can quickly get up to speed. No lengthy implementation time and costly consultants.

Greater impact with AI – move faster, create better content, drive clarity and support your teams. Retailers and consumers make better, right decisions.  

Portia lets teams communicate on the platform.

Portia is extremely affordable compared to other platforms.

Portia lets you test the waters before signing up for lengthy contracts. We’re confident that you’ll stick around but if we are not a good fit, there’s an easy way out. 

Portia facilitates growth  – Teams can grow without the headache and mess – eliminating several steps that are usually done manually. There’s processess in place – everybody knows what to do, when, in an effective and efficient way

The Cost Of Not Using Portia

Don’t Pay the Price of Inaction—Discover What You Could Be Missing
Portia Data

By having no strategic, structured process - brands move forward in slow motion, losing time, money and team morale by focusing and working on the wrong things.

Without the right process - the wrong products can easily be put to market - damaging sales and brand perception.

Team frustration - it’s hard to keep teams motivated and excited when there’s constant chaos in the organization.

When teams work in silos only doing hand-offs when their “job is done” - product and brand suffers resulting on designers working on the wrong things, marketing not getting the information in time on the product that’s going to be launched - resulting in the wrong campaign - pitching the product wrongly to the market.

Teams Love It

Imagine Your Team Transformed by Portia

Portia doesn’t look and work like any other system

It’s easy to understand and user-friendly to operate. New team members can quickly get onboarded and teams can work efficiently. - No more going crazy over working in spreadsheets

ONE common platform for collaboration. All teams can seamlessly collaborate in ONE place - no more departments working in silos

A central place for collection and product information - no more unnecessary meetings, email and message threads.

Every team member has clear responsibilities - no more projects and tasks “falling between chairs” or getting lost when people are sick or leave the company.

Every team member role has clear accountability - increasing ownership and work fulfilment

Holistic collaboration between design, product development, marketing and sales - resulting in the right products being created - minimizing shelf-warmers

Simplify the collaboration between the design team and the development team


Making Business Efficiency Affordable for All
Portia Affordability

Portia is the most affordable option out there - for the immense value it provides.

We’ve worked in tech and IT-development.

We know how expensive, cumbersome and just plain stupid the pricing of systems is.

We want to challenge that.

We believe work tools should be affordable.

With Portia you don’t have to pay for expensive IT consultants and lengthy implementation projects to configure a system that isn’t ready to use - at purchase. Portia is ready to go in an instant.

All updates included are 100% compatible, automatic updated and included, at no extra charge or headache for you.

Join The Waitlist To Get Access

Portia is currently available by invitation only.